KMTPK "Donuzlav"


Brief description of the construction project of international transportation and industrial complex in the Donuslav region.

In 1998 Morstroyproekt and Proektgidrostroy developed a project called “an offer of rational use of lake Donuslav”, that was based on “the concept of development of sea ports and ship repair yards " developed by Chernomorniiproekt. We are offering you to read a brief description of this project.

According to produced pre-design studies , the Crimean sea transportation and industrial complex in the Donuslav region would include:


Both sea and river waterways connect in the estuary ports. For example most of modern big ports, such as London, New York, Hamburg, Rotterdam, Antwerp and St. Petersburg are estuary ports. Port’s structures are located on the banks of the river or in pools dug in banks. Furthermore most ports are located away from the sea, so there is no need in building protection structures near the port. Estuary ports’ main objective is to transship goods from sea vessels to river vessels and vice versa.

Естественные условия района озера Донузлав.

    Lake Donuslav is situated in the steppe area on the western coast of the Crimean peninsula. It is located 28km away from the Uret cape.

    Uret cape. The lake was separated from the sea by a sand dumb of 300-1000m in width and a height of 1-1.5m. The length of the lake is about 30 km, it’s biggest width is about 4 km. the length of the coastline is about 70 km, and the area is more than 47 km2 and the deepest point is 25m below the surface.

A lake extends in the north-east direction and has 10 bays within its boundaries.

Autonomous Republic of Crimea holds a favorable geographical location on the intersection of marine trade routes, while being located next to the international transport corridors.

    Such as:

Brief description of the construction project.

In 1998 Morstroyproekt and Proektgidrostroy developed a project called “an offer of rational use of lake Donuslav”,that was based on “the concept of development of sea ports and ship repair yards " developed by Chernomorniiproekt. We are offering you to read a brief description of this project.

According to produced pre-design studies , the Crimean sea transportation and industrial complex in the Donuslav region would include:

1. Construction of a sea port, that will consist of: 

1.1. Dry cargo area of the international port will be located along the 9km of the northern bank. Quay part of the region will consist of wide and narrow piers, located there for storage and reception of goods, such as grain, lumber, coal, chemicals, sugar as well as piers for passenger and car ferries.

1.2. Subsidiary and specialized units will include: Technical supply of ships base; Piers for subsidiary ships; Pilot Service; Division of Ministry of Emergencies; Oil containment booms for the oil harbor; Border and customs services; Ecological, medical, veterinary control services etc.

2. The construction of a railroad “voinka-donuslav”, of length 104km.

For connection of Donuslav with the country’s railroad system kievgiprotrans produced a project of building a railroad to the next station called voinka. This project requires a construction of 2 big bridges and 4 medium ones. With 4 railroad and 3 motorway overpasses.

3. The construction of a road of the first technical category.

for connection of Donuslav port with the national road system it was decided to build a road from voinka and from transport corridor Yagodin-Kerch to the Donuslav port. The new motorway will mainly be build parallel to the new railroad build to the port. The overall length of the new road is expected to be 100km.

4. The construction of the base for portioning of the ships.

The portioning of the ships base will be located to the east of the main port complex. Its area is going to be between 12 and 15 ha.

5. The reconstruction of an airfield.

This stage includes a reconstruction of an airfield complex, which previously belonged the soviet ministry of defense and is still located near a town called mirnyi.

    Reconstruction may include:

Airfield complex, which is located near mirnyi, has a runway that was constructed for such planes as AN-24(Coke) and YaK-40(codling). Also this airfield allows local airlines’ planes and helicopters to land.